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Old 02-09-2010, 12:42 AM
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Default Recommend: Sand Sifter/Stirrer

I have a question or actually, I am looking for a recommendation. I have a 65ga aquarium hooked to a 30ga of sump/fuge. Lots and lots of live rock, mostly in the sump/fuge.

The sand bed in the display tank is only about 1 inch deep, just enough to cover the bottom. I have lots of flow through the tank, except in the odd area. The unavoidable nooks and crannies created by the rock.

I had an Orange Spotted Goby, did a marvelous job of turning over my sand bed. Sadly, there just wasn't enough sand bed for him. A friend of mine offered to take him but the shock of the move along with the severe starvation he didn't make it.

This leaves me wondering, what critter/critters can I put in my tank that will help me keep the sand bed stirred and turned? I have been doing it (stirring the sand, sickos) myself with a turkey baster, but I don't want to be doing this forever.

My tank obviously is not big enough for a Goby so anybody got some good suggestions?

As a side note, the tank only has a couple small SPS and LPS frags, GBTA, 2 Percs and a Lawnmower Blenny. Everybody is doing fine. There isn't anything terribly wrong with sand, except it turns a bit brown after a few days if I don't maintain it. My Goby kept it gleaming white and I miss that.

Thanks for the input.
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