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Old 02-06-2010, 01:53 PM
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Eyford01 Eyford01 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Calgary, Ab
Posts: 114
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From my experience and from what I've heard the only thing that will pick on a mandarin is another mandarin, also the one eb0la11 has is the 1 out of 3 mandarins that I've had that wouldn't eat frozen, also these fish have been successfully bred in captivity although not commercially which I believe to be a positive sign, I think many mandarins CAN be trained to frozen if the time and effort are put into it, but it is a combination of stubborn fish who won't take it and the intimidation of the work required to train them which can sometimes take monthes that puts alot of people off, but in my opinion it's worth it for the awesome lil guys

haha this sure is a good way to open a can of worms though! Ah just for the hell of it let me stoke the fire a little more:
-tangs do fine in a 20g
-moorish idols are great little beginners fish
-(for those with skimmers) skimmers are useless you don't need em
-(for those without skimmers) skimmers are necessary you are horrible fish keepers

now to sit back and watch the controversy begin!
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