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Old 02-04-2010, 08:11 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Originally Posted by Chase31 View Post
you mean to remove nitrate so many thing, im used to my freshwater tank and the cycle is all done with fish so yea, thank you
Ya sorry, nitrate, my bad :-)

Some people don't believe in using fish to help the cycle along, some do. I think it is a bit cruel because the cycle is a very harsh environment. In salt water we are a little lucky in that we can use live rock. Likely what's happening is all the formerly live stuff (micro and some macro organisms) that was on your "live rock" is dieing off and causing the ammonia spike. In a way you can think of it as a blessing. Some people don't get such a reaction so they have to resort to other methods to jumpstart their cycle by adding stuff to their tank.. either fish or chemicals.

Last edited by kien; 02-04-2010 at 08:17 PM.
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