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Old 02-04-2010, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
I am still in the go for it camp. As you've mentioned the rock you have comes largely from previously established systems and there should be plenty of food for a small mandarin. I've never been able to see the pods my mandarins peck at they are so small, so I also see no point in observing what's crawling around after lights out. Sure there are risks, any new fish can become a casualty for one reason or another. I've tried to back up my reasoning with personal experience and I see there are at least two other posters with positive first hand experiences as well. I have two healthy mandarins in a 77 gallon sumpless tank and you have a 165 with refugium and sump! That's more than twice the size of my system. I've not needed to supercharge the pod population nor have I set up any pod condos. None of the posters advising against getting one have validated their advice with personal experience. I may be wrong and if I am, apologize, but it appears some of this advice is based on second or third party information.
My advice is based on personal experience. In addition I have been on this board and several other boards for many, many years and have read countless thread posted by reefers asking.
My mandarin is not eating what do I feed it?
My mandarin is emaciated what could be the problem? and than
My mandarin is missing?

You posted that "there are risks, any new fish can become a casualty for one reason or another". Starvation is an avoidable risk.
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