Do you think Im ready for a Mandarin?
Hey guys,
so my tank has been running just over 5 months now. It is a 165G 6 foot tank and has I would say about 120 lbs of live rock in it.
The live rock is for the most part all mature stuff from other systems.
I also have a refugium that "was" three months old, but because I got a new sump I had to wash all the sand in it to start a new one that is probably about a month old now. The live rock form the original refugium was maintained.
Do you think I should get a mandarin? I dont think any of my other fish eat the pods but I cant really say for sure.
I have the following fish:
Regal Tang
Tomini Tang
Yellow Tang
Two Oscellaris Clowns
Two Blue/Green Chromis
Diamond Goby
Lawnmower Blenny
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
None of my fish are bigger than 3 inches yet, if that matters.
What do you guys think?