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Old 02-03-2010, 04:38 AM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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Default Acceping orders for ORA fish

Will be making an ORA fish order at the end of the week. Unfortunately due to the requirement of cities we will be not able to get corals, clams and seahorses at this time. But we have a plan for corals soon.

Avalible to add to our current order will be the following;

Platinum Percs
Picasso Percs
Semi-Picasso Percs
Snowflake Percs
Semi-Snowflake Percs

Black Ocellaris
Cinnamon Clowns
Gold Striped Maroons
Clarkii Clowns
Tomato Clowns
Australian Clowns
Saddleback Clowns
Pink Skink Clowns
Orange Skunk Clowns

Breeding Pairs of CLowns
- False Percs
- Saddlebacks
- Pink Skunks

Yellow Assessor Basslet

Yellow Canary Blennys
Stripped Blennys
Black Line Blennys
Smithi Blennys
Harptail Blennys

Red Head Gobies
Sharknose Gobies
Yellow Line Gobies
Tiger Gobies

Neon Dottybacks
Elogate Dottybacks
Orchid Dottybacks
Indego Dottybacks
Splendid Dottybacks
Sunrise Dottybacks
Striped Dottybacks

PM me if interested or have any questions.

Ken - BWA

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