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Old 10-05-2003, 07:14 PM
robbyville robbyville is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Whistler, BC
Posts: 358
robbyville is on a distinguished road
Default Good experience at King Ed's!

Hi all,

Traditionally I have not done a lot of business at King Ed's, although I do like to look around at their tanks for sale and dream a little dream! Well I thought that I should at least mention something that happened that I never expected...

I moved here from the states, my old PC lights were 96w straight pin tubes. Nobody in Canada that I have found carries these, nor are they willing to bring them in since they would have to buy a case or maybe a half case. I certainly don't begrudge that, after all, how long is it reasonable to sit on stock for? Besides, I'm only looking for Acitinic supplementation, not even a good variety!

At any rate, last time I was at King Ed's I was commenting on this to Eric, he said, "Well let's see what I can do", and took my number down. I had heard this before and truthfully was not expecting anything. About a week and a half later he actually called me to let me know that he had found the bulbs and they were waiting for me. He ended up bringing 6 bulbs in. I took two of the bulbs, so if anyone out there needs some straight pin 96w Coralife acitinic's, King Ed's has em!

I thought that I would write this mostly because for whatever reasons I always discounted King Ed's from a service stand point, I always go to J&L's because I like their expertise and prices, they have also been great service wise, but this taught me to not discount the other shops. Kudo's to Eric and thanks!

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