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Old 02-03-2010, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by rkelman View Post
I agree it looks like the Clownfish fed the anemone. That subject is up for debate though. Who knows really if the fish is feeding the nem or just let go of the food / fish in the nem its not clearcut. I have many anemone's and many clowns and have never witnessed anything that I would call "Feeding" I've seen them drop food but never got the feeling that they were feeding the nem. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just saying I've never seen it.
i Disagree with this, along time ago like 5 years ago i had a clarkii clown, that ALWAYS fed his host. Whenever i fed he would grab a piece of mysis and eat it himself, then go grab another piece and deliberatly spit it into the anemone. From what i have read its only certain speciece of clown that will exhibit this behaviour.
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