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Old 02-02-2010, 10:15 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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Originally Posted by saltcreep View Post
Do you have a tank with fish and/or corals? If so, I would be willing to bet that you are supporting some sort of destructive fishing practice.

I don't quite get the "moral outrage" that people seem to be exhibiting, especially from hobbyists.

There is no reason or proof as to the cause of the death of these fish. If the reason was a system failure or disease outbreak, why is this different than the same thing happening in a hobbyists tank? Once a fish is removed from the reef, there is 100% mortality.

It is a shame that it has happened and will only be a black eye for the hobby/industry.
x2 my point exactly !
Even if we only support farmed (tank raised) still that fish does not have a choice it would rather live out on the reef then in our tanks.
The reason for dead fish is us, we are supporting it that's why it happend and it will hapen again until we are willing to pay for it.
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