Thread: LED lights
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Old 02-02-2010, 02:39 AM
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My tank will likely be 18-24 inches.
It looks like to get the whiteish rather than the yellowish look these leds do it.
When the white led lights are out and the blues come on is it possible to get the overall blueish look and in addition the deep blue flashlight effect which would highlight certain flourescent corals?
What I gleaned from their website is that this might be possible because it is programmable.
Am I missing something? Am I missing lots?

I plan to restrict my new tank to florescent corals, inverts and fish. The reason is that I want to enjoy the tank when I get home after work.
I also want to 'hunt down' uber-florescent species and specimens. I want to frag the best.

Last edited by naesco; 02-02-2010 at 02:42 AM.
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