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Old 02-01-2010, 04:05 PM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
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corpusse is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Steve@LittleOceans View Post
that is really cool, i recently had 4 cuttlefish eggs, and i raised them up to about a month, and right from when they hatched i fed them only cyclop-eeze, and they did just fine, just an idea if you cant seem to get ahold of live food, i also did the breeder net idea, and had it floating in a 45 gallon reef tank, worked out really well.


How are they doing now? Cyclopeeze just seems way too small. They are eating mysids 2 or more times longer then them. I tried tigger pods in the past and they were not interested.

Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Very cool video's. On average how long do they live for? I remember hearing that they generally don't live very long.
10-14 months, I think 12 months is about average but not sure yet. Their lifespan in captivity is a bit longer because you can jam food in their face when they lose the will to hunt.

If they had a 2-3 year lifespan I'd like them a lot more. I can't see myself keeping them for more then a few years tops. When they're babies they're just so much work. When they are adults they are very neat and a lot easier to take care of. The first few weeks are what's hard and paying overnight shipping for box after box of live mysids!
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