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Old 02-01-2010, 02:29 PM
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corpusse is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by pterfloth View Post
Thanks for sharing! Would like to hear more about your setup and how you keep them alive.
I have approximately 30 babies now, they are housed in my frag tank and temporary 10 gallon tank which I added to the setup for them. They are inside breeders nets which are tiny net boxes that work perfectly for containing up to 5 of them. With a little marco algae to hide in they are good in these nets for the first month or so of life. When they get bigger I will drop it down to 2-3 per net where as now its 4-5. Inside the net its very easy to tell who is eating and they are small enough there is still plenty of room to roam around.

I like using the frag tank as I feel it's very stable and it allows easy access to them. Eventually they will be moved to a 90gallon custom tank.

Originally Posted by phyto4life View Post
Nice, what color's does he change? all color's and pattern's? is he just like the larger cuttlefish?

what size will he get?

does his pattern flash at all or is that the larger cuttlefish?
They change from white to dark brown, patterns change as well as texture. With them being in the white nets they spend most of their time white. However there is red macro algae in some nets so they do change dark brown at times as well.

They will max out at 3-4"

That's the 90 they will be going in. Probably 6-8 adults.

Here is a couple videos of my last adult which recently died

in the second video you see him change colour and texture.
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