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Old 02-01-2010, 03:55 AM
KevinK KevinK is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Victoria
Posts: 320
KevinK is on a distinguished road
Default baking soda

so I always used Kent reef buffer dkh

on my 450 gal water vol, I aded 1/3 cup each 10 days (apr 1.5 kh drop in 11 days.)

so now, I pre mix 10 times 1/3 cup in 25 L. meaning it would be about 2L = 1/3 cup

I wanted to ad this devided by 10 days so about 200 ml/day

doing this now for 5 days, I found out that this way, my KH droped not 1.5 a 10 days, but 1kh each day

same product, same amounts, only pre mix for 100 days

any reason for this ?

the only thing I kan tink of is that I forgot to plug the pre mix bottle

so now I dont pre mix and ad dry powder again until I find the reason the pre mix drops so fast.

any exp. in this

when I'm out of the Kent I want to start the AH sodium bicarb. (have a 44 Lb bag ready
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