I haven't posted my cuttlefish log here, mostly because I do not post here that often, but I like how these videos are coming out and cuttlefish is not something you normally see in people's tanks especially in Canada, so I thought you guys might like to check em out.
I started out with 2 clutches of eggs, this is my second time raising sepia bandensis (dwarf cuttlefish).
When first born they only eat live food. They are also only 1/3" making the choices extremely limited. Baby brine shrimp / tigger pods are too small. Live mysids are really the only option. With no one culturing them in Canada, shipping from the US is super expensive.
Anyway these guys are less then 3 weeks old. It's a bit unusual to get them eating frozen this early, but a welcome sign.
Here's one with 2 of them fighting over one mysis
I'll post some more video clips and photos later.
The adults will eventually be going into a custom 90g softy dominated tank.