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Old 01-30-2010, 05:34 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Kitimat BC
Posts: 352
skabooya is on a distinguished road

Oh yea I will be posting pics.
As soon as I can get some LR from the lfs I will count the cycle as started and start testing. I will be taking pics then. right now its a box of water, sand and dead rock. Nothing interesting to look at yet.
The LR at the lfs comes from Hati and you know the issues they are having there. So they are trying to get some in from Jakarta but the dealer is not responding to them. I may have to buy some online from JLA. Ive not had issues with them except for the last shipment. Someone stole my Credit card ID via their secure website and tried to use it at
Amazon called and asked if I made a purchase which was a few hundred dollers. Umm no. Ive never been to So they cancelled the order I cancelled my card and waited a month for my new one.
So now im wondering if i should wait for however long it takes for my LFS to get something in or do the JLA thing again.

As for the tank today: I was lowering the salinity very slowly. I took out about 2gals of saltwater and put in freshwater. Its still slightly above where I want it but Im gonna let it mix some more and then test. If its still the same Im going to remove another 2gals of water and add fresh water. Hopefully that will decrease the salinity enough to get to 1.025.

I cant wait to start getting some macro in the tank. Aparently with macro algae you dont need to wait for the cycle to be over. It wants to feed on nitrates. However no CUC until there is a complete cycle.
Still trying to figure out how much of what to put in there for a CUC.
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