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Old 01-30-2010, 05:25 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Kitimat BC
Posts: 352
skabooya is on a distinguished road

Here are some of the threads on macroalgae tanks.

And as for the WC because im assuming thats what the major issue is about; i said "WC are done minimally" That doesnt mean Im gonna follow some of the advise of doing it once or twice a year. Im gonna do it more than that but im not doing weekly WC. I cant with a new baby. Its just me taking care of all my tanks and im not a stay at home mom either. Every other week or monthly will be more for me. But Im going to do what the plants, coral, and fish tell me to do. If they look like they need more than that then I will do more than that.

High nutrient levels in a macroalgae tank doesnt mean holy poop high. Its higher than would be allowed in a reef tank. Nitrates need to be above 0 in order for the plants to recieve nutrients. Nitrite and ammonia need to be at 0. It doesnt take a lot to increase nutrients to the levels they need to be at. I mean geez people keep softy reef tanks at 20ppm of nitrates. Im not agreeing with it and i believe it should be lower for saltwater tanks. Macro tanks are not that high because the plants suck up all the trates. They typically end up at 0 anyway which is where they need to be. No overfeeding or dosing is needed unless the trates start to bottom out.

Because i am going slowly WC will happen often because I will bairly have any macro and the tank will be "new". Dosing/overfeeding wont really happen at the beginning because there wont be much for nutrient uptake. Adding fish with regular feeding at first will be all that is needed. Once the tank is full and bioload cant keep up with the macroalgae THEN you need to either start overfeeding or dosing or both depending on how much the plants suck up. Before then everything is almost the same as a regular reef tank.

Please tell me what are these successful tanks are doing wrong?? I would like to know. The more research I do now the better before I add anything to the tank.
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