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Old 01-30-2010, 01:33 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Kitimat BC
Posts: 352
skabooya is on a distinguished road

Right so ive been doing a lot of reading and talking to people who have macro tanks and seahorse/pipefish tanks. This is what im doing.
SG at 1.025
Temp at 76-77F at the warmest
Overfeed tank inhabitants and feed daily sometimes twice a day
No dosing except for maybe trace elements and only every few months if that
Variety of macroalgaes and they must be trimmed often so they dont choke eachother out.
I will not be using green grape capulara or hamladea (sp?) or chaeto
Dwarf angelfish do not eat macroalgae but they do eat microalgae.
Skimmer (have many different results from people using macroalgae tanks) 24/7, not at all or 1/2 time. Aparently they all work depending on your setup.
WC are done minimally. Once or twice a year. Some however do it more often about once a month (10%) to replenish the trace elements.

Livestock will be 2 true percs and a coral beauty (YAY). 1 skunk cleaner shrimp and a few snails and a hermit crab. OH and some feather dusters.
Corals will be, Zoas (super bright ones like devils armor), lots of mushrooms (electric blue and shrooms with stripes and spots), pulsing xenia, cloves (esp blue), rics (maybe), Either a green with pink/purple tip frogspawn or a pink tipped torch, acan lord, duncan (maybe), dendro (maybe), gorgonian (maybe)
Of course lots and lots of macroalgae.
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