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Old 01-29-2010, 04:49 PM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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I think people don't quite get the strategy yet as I don't think Apple has it all put together just yet. I think there is alot more to come in terms of content. I believe you will see every newspaper and magazine being offered on the iPad. The publishing industry is struggling with newspapers closing down all over the world. I'm one of those reasons. I can't remember the last time I bothered looking at a major newspaper and rarely buy magazines anymore. But if I could download them to a device and read them at my leisure (or even carry around dozens easily) I would be more likely to pay for that. Especially if they are more weblike and come enhanced with interactive content and video etc. I think that part of the story is yet to unfold.

As a student, imagine having all your big heavy text books on it and just carry one 1.5 pound device around that has your books, in full colour and also possibly with video content, and is also your note pad for lectures. I would have jumped on that when I was in school.

As a professional, I would consider this when it is time to replace my MacBook Pro. Far easier to carry around and it will do everything I need when mobile and then I can get a better more powerful desktop for the more intense work like photoshop etc. at the office. I think it is fantastic for presentations as Keynote has built in highlighters and laser pointer functionality you use on the touch screen. Plug it into a projector and then use your finger on the touch screen as a laser pointer.

As for multitasking, I think that will come in OS 4.0. BTW, your iPhone/iPod Touch do multitask a bit. You can listen to your music from the iPod application while doing other work. I think the major problems with multitasking are twofold: 1. Having multiple applications running at once will severely decrease battery life and then you will have your users complaining about the battery only lasting 3 or 4 hours. So it's a no-win situation there and the lesser evil is to have good battery life as the majority of users don't really need the device to multitask. How many of you iPhone/iPod Touch owners really truly are put out by not having multitasking? The only thing I can think of that would be better is for applications to be protected when a call comes in so you can go back to what you were doing when you took the call as some applications quit when you answer the phone. Other than that , nada, don't need multitasking. 2. RAM memory. The iPhone doesn't have alot of actual RAM memory for running programs and you would quickly run out of memeory having more than two applications running at once. I know that Apple did do some work with using the flash storage memory as virtual RAM but from my understanding that can cause its own problems too.

So I guess what I am saying is that although it maybe didn't live up to the hype (but what could considering the rumours and level of hype out there) it is a revolutionary device that will change the way people interact with computers and also make portable computing easier, more convenient and more enjoyable. Apple does really think about the way we interact with computers and I guarantee you this will be light years ahead of any stupid tablet running Windows7. Touch interfaces are more intuitive and are the future and Apple does it better than anybody else right now. Very young children can use my iPhone after a very short learning period so that tells you something. I may not get an iPad in the near future but as I said, when the relatively new laptop is due for replacement an iPad will likely be what replaces it.
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