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Old 01-29-2010, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
. It isn't a revolutionary device but it does have its uses.
Funny, I could have swore Steve Jobs said it was Revolutionary. Other than leaving it around the house as a digital photo frame and picking it up when I wanna quickly search something, I don't see the advantages of lugging it around wherever I go, when I could just pull out an iphone and answer the same emails, check the same websites, etc. Any business person in their right mind would put a Powerpoint presentation together on their work computer/laptop, why bother having to transfer it over to this thing when you could just toss the laptop in a bag and go?

Plus, it's too big to fit in your pocket or on your hip, so that means you gotta lug it around in a laptop bag (or man purse) and if I'm gonna do carry a "satchel" I might as well have my laptop with me. I suppose that would give you a place to put all your different USB adapters since it doesn't come with any type of card slots. Jobs made such a big deal about photos and video, yet you can't even toss a Memory card in? (without an adapter) Lame!

I certainly don't see Doctors walking around with a MaxIpad in the near future. Most businesses don't even run Mac/OSX for corporate. To damn expensive. Can't see Healthcare getting on board.

It doesn't do anything better than a laptop can really. Just a Large Itouch.

V1 certainly isn't the one I would be looking at... While watching the Key Note presentation it did some cool things, but it was definitely disappointing.

** I am an Apple fan BTW... and I still think this is a waste of money.. especially $500USD.
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