29g Saltwater Journey
Any suggestions what else I could add in terms of fish, shrimp, and corals. Pods are multiplying dramatically; found a four inch red worm last night; a reddish/pink looking slug that is burrowing in the sand; and what appears to be a brittle starfish. Water parameters are looking great right now.
Tank Details
-29g tank, 22g rubbernmaid sump; Aquaclear 70; 6 bulb HO Fixture; Vertex 100-IN Skimmer; 2 Koralia Powerheads; Eheim 1260 Pump; Lifereef overflow
-two clowns, a lawnmower blenny and 2 cleaner shrimp
-purple mushroom frag, small carpet anemone, riccordia frag, xenia frag
Last edited by Octavian; 02-10-2010 at 12:33 AM.