Originally Posted by Delphinus
For what it's worth I run 25% the recommended doses for zeovit already. It was a good start in reductions but it levelled off at two weeks at NO3=10 and hadn't decreased further and in fact I'm feeding less than when I started so I feel that the two systems in concert should be doing much better. The real kick here was when I doubled up the media's and the nitrates started increasing again. I think if you're going to do it homogeously I would cut back on the amounts or maybe do maybe more zeolites with just a thin layer of pellets.
It's OK I set out to see what would happen if I did this and now I know. I'll continue to post results as I go, one method had a pretty good run so I'll put out the same sort of run for separating and we'll see how it goes.
Wow!!! BlueTang 20%
Tony 25%, I am going to start rethinking things here. I am into saving some $$$$
Thanks for the heads up guys!!!