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Old 01-28-2010, 12:54 AM
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OK, here i go again back by strong demand. Actually I was stalking the board until Aqua digital offered the review....

any ways, I have been battling many types of Algae's , from Bubble, Red turf, and Green turf, along with some low colors from the PO 4 Now i do 10 -15 gal per week on my system. I used to do only 5 gals ,but Mike AKA Aqua digital suggested that i boost it up when I was doing the Ultra lith to aid in getting that recommended % of weater changes done each week.

that one is the bubble algae all over the rocks

So I started this on 18th of Jan after getting back from out west.
PO-4 was tested heating the water to 80F the test was at .01ppm.
from reading the instructions that it states that 100ml per 75 gal's

This is what I received from Aqua Digital for the trial.


This is the test Kit that i use.

This what My tank was sitting at before I left to head to BC.

This is what my PO4 Level was at before I tested. Aqua Digital stated they like to see the PO4 level at a higher state when using this stuff since you get the greatest improvement out of the ultra phos. But I told him I would Like to still give it a go. At this level it will start slower down the Coral growth.

Now I have used the proper amount and only used 50% of the recommended dose for the 1 week to see any difference. not much of a difference. Just wanted to get the tank use to the Ultra Phos. I'm dosing Kalk 24/7 through my Barr Aquatic's KR3020 stirrer. ALong with Im running Carbon in the same reactor too. And Im still using the Ultra Bio that i was on. Mike Should I stop that or keep going with that stuff. DO you want me to continue with that trial with that Ultra Bio too.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.

Last edited by Skimmerking; 01-28-2010 at 02:17 AM.