Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:09 AM
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Diana Diana is offline
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Haha, of course its not more nutritious, but its better for you. Sometimes I find myself saying 'organic' to replace 'free range non medicated' and stuff like that cus its just easier. I bet you anything some organic meats are still raised in factory-like settings... this is where reading the labels and doing a little research into labels comes in handy. I'm on the fence whether or not I want to eat an animal that has been treated and killed poorly, or whether it has incurred medication or GMO's. Neither is preferable.

Bison is fantastic (we don't have buffalo in north america )
Dang it, i know it too, but the silly market calls it buffalo and i just can't help it .

And I have to disagree with you on us needing meat everyday, having studied human development extensively in my archaeology and anthropology classes. "Hunter gatherers" eat mostly on the gatherers side, not on the meat side. There are many groups of people alive today that still rely on similar subsistence strategies where meat is only eaten on the off-chance of a kill, which does not happen very frequently. Nuts supply an amazing amount of protien for most people. While subsistence remains are biased in the archaeological record due to preservation issues, the evidence shows that plant remains vastly outweigh animal remains in many many prehistoric groups. Plus you could look at our closest relatives, chimpanzees, and see that their diet is mostly vegetarian. Insects and occasional meat support the leaves, fruits and nuts.

Within the last 4000 years is where it starts to get funny. I don't think the pastoral and agriculture subsistence practices have been around long enough for us to really see any long term effects on our health as a species.

GreenSpottedPuffer is right, we are putting everything 'out of sight, out of mind'. I am fully 100% guilty of it too, almost everything in my house probably comes from China . I wish it could be different, but its not. So I will start making changes for the future. To make it better, for not just me, but for all life.

Last edited by Diana; 01-27-2010 at 05:32 AM.
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