Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Diana View Post
I know its expensive, but humans don't need to eat meat every day. I've cut down drastically on meat intake to be able to afford organic/free range/wild meat. We eat meat maybe 3 times a week, and thats all you need if you provide yourself with other protien sources such as eggs,nuts, seeds, beans, etc etc.

actualy we do.. over years we have adapted to skip meals but there are ameno acid chains in meat you can't get from nuts, seads, ect.. plus then you are eating a tone of carbs which is anoth thing we were not originaly designed to eat.. humans originated as hunter/gatherers so yes berrys and nuts were eaten in season, but meat was the primary staple of our diet. if you realy want something to think about, why is it that we in north america never realy started to get fat and overweight as an average untill the goverment released the food guid during ww2 when we were cut off from our natural cooking oil sources from overseas. they replaced cocunut oil with rape seed oil (kanola) and started pushing grains as a staple at the same time due to pressures from the agricultrual industry to boost grain sales.

there is a lot of interesting reading on things like this. one of the funnest ratings is "organic"

here are some experts in the organic rules.

"For raising animals, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth stimulants but would be permitted to counter infections. The rules permit up to 20% of animal feed to be obtained from non-organic sources."

studdies have showen there are a lot more sick animals in "organic" farms. so I think farmers are faking there animale are sick so they can use the "growth stimulants"

"Irradiation, which can reduce or eliminate certain pests, kill disease-causing bacteria, and prolong food shelf-life, would be permitted during processing. Genetic engineering would also be permissible."

"More Nutritious?
Organic foods are certainly not more nutritious [12]. The nutrient content of plants is determined primarily by heredity. Mineral content may be affected by the mineral content of the soil, but this has no significance in the overall diet. If essential nutrients are missing from the soil, the plant will not grow. If plants grow, that means the essential nutrients are present. Experiments conducted for many years have found no difference in the nutrient content of organically grown crops and those grown under standard agricultural conditions."

"Most studies conducted since the early 1970s have found that the pesticide levels in foods designated organic were similar to those that were not. In 1997, Consumer Reports purchased about a thousand pounds of tomatoes, peaches, green bell peppers, and apples in five cities and tested them for more than 300 synthetic pesticides. Traces were detected in 77% of conventional foods and 25% of organically labeled foods, but only one sample of each exceeded the federal limit.
Pesticides can locate on the surface of foods as well as beneath the surface. The amounts that washing can remove depends on their location, the amount and temperature of the rinse water, and whether detergent is used. Most people rinse their fruits and vegetables with plain water before eating them. In fact, Consumer Reports on Health has recommended this [15].Consumer Reports stated that it did not do so because the FDA tests unwashed products. The amount of pesticide removed by simple rinsing has not been scientifically studied but is probably small. Consumer Reports missed a golden opportunity to assess this."

anyways it goes on and on..

I am not bashing anyone for eating organicly, there are various reasons to but there are also reasons not to, so to each his own. I just wanted to point out that the organic system is flawed and there are a lot of loophols.. many more than I quoted. there are even things like "35% of the farmers crops have to be organic to get him the certifications. the mothers of "organic" cows don't have to be organic. and so on..

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*

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