Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Diana View Post
I will defrost 1-2 days worth of meat at a time and keep it in an airtight container in the fridge. I feed twice a day, both portions on the small side. When it comes time to defrost more food I use a new container. I let them clean their bowls really well and then give them a wash at least once a week.

You can switch your dog to raw right away with little to no effect (i have never seen any). Just be sure not to feed too much or they get backed up (raw food barf is pretty gross).

I still let my dogs kiss me, but not right after a meal. And keep in mind too that their poops could contain salmonella and stuff. I think if you follow proper meat handling precautions then you will be fine

This all makes sense and I think I will probably do something similar. I am a bit of a cleanliness freak at times so I will probably feed him out on the balcony where I can hose it down after and disinfect if I feel the need. I have a feeling if I give him a bone that he will drag it all over the place!

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Well, I wouldn't let my dog lick my face immediatley after eating chicken (mostly), and common sense goes a long way. Kids are more susceptible I imagine because their faces are at licking height and perhaps they're not as tolerant to bacteria as adults.
To start out, I'd feed mostly boneless chicken for a few days, until the dog builds up higher enzyme levels. After that, you can start feeding more bone, different meats, etc. Some are richer than others, ie; venison, moose (most game).
Getting it right is pretty simple, I keep containers in the fridge that I rotate from frozen to thawed. Wash the bowls well afterwards, and if feeding large pieces that they can carry away, make sure you clean up the eating area, or the crate, wherever they eat.
I live on my own and have a large yard, so I often just hand them a chicken leg/back and let them run out in the yard with it. Bad days, they eat in their crates, and I spray it down afterwards.
More work than kibble, sure, but worth it for those of us that, well, think it's worth it
Thanks, I think I will start with boneless, small portions as you say. I will probably try it with both my dog and cats actually.

Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Which pretty much follows my eating habits, but I still can't afford organic meat. If it was 10% more, no problem, but I've seen it 3x regular meat. That just isn't going to happen.
If prices come into a reasonable range (which is likely not possible due to volume) then I'll happily switch over.
I have also seen organic chicken about 2-3 times the cost of regular! It really is too bad...
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