Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Diana View Post
I know its expensive, but humans don't need to eat meat every day. I've cut down drastically on meat intake to be able to afford organic/free range/wild meat. We eat meat maybe 3 times a week, and thats all you need if you provide yourself with other protien sources such as eggs,nuts, seeds, beans, etc etc.

I understand also that we do not have kids to feed (other than the furry ones!) so its easier for us to eat more expensive foods. But honestly, since going organic/cutting out most meat our grocery bills have not gone up. Its all about portion control.

A great movie to watch is called Food INC. Its not super gross so don't worry too much about that- other than maybe when they show you how they kill entire herds of pigs at once using a giant garbage press (i will never in good conscience eat pork again). It talks about making smart choices at the grocery store, and a little more about the American way of producing food that is just spiraling out of control. Animals do not need to be treated in such awful ways, and you vote 3 times a day.

I hear ya and I wish organic were cheaper because I think many people would make the switch. You know how our society is though...out of sight, out of mind. Not an excuse but its tough these days to get people thinking about what meat they should choose when they are struggling to feed the family. I agree with you 100% though and I have seen some of the clips from that documentary.

I don't eat meat everyday, maybe 3-4 times a week. Never in the morning and rarely at lunch. I don't think our grocery bill has gone up a heck of a lot but we do not go to the grocery and buy a bunch of food at once, I go almost daily as its just down the street, so I do notice a difference if I buy organic meat. Again, not complaining but I know many people won't buy it whether they can afford to or not.
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