I know its expensive, but humans don't need to eat meat every day. I've cut down drastically on meat intake to be able to afford organic/free range/wild meat. We eat meat maybe 3 times a week, and thats all you need if you provide yourself with other protien sources such as eggs,nuts, seeds, beans, etc etc.
I understand also that we do not have kids to feed (other than the furry ones!) so its easier for us to eat more expensive foods. But honestly, since going organic/cutting out most meat our grocery bills have not gone up. Its all about portion control.
A great movie to watch is called Food INC. Its not super gross so don't worry too much about that- other than maybe when they show you how they kill entire herds of pigs at once using a giant garbage press (i will never in good conscience eat pork again). It talks about making smart choices at the grocery store, and a little more about the American way of producing food that is just spiraling out of control. Animals do not need to be treated in such awful ways, and you vote 3 times a day.
