Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-27-2010, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
If you were close we could work something out. The stuff if organic and ground very fine, very little fat and looks wonderful!!! I mixed it with garlic, and sweet potatoes and cottage cheese to make it enticing for them. Then I even made gravy to put onto it for crying out loud. My dogs are the best and most perfect dogs ever, so their picky eating is their down fall for me. If I allowed it and it was good for them, they would eat bison liver every day.

I paid forty cents a pound for the turkey... just brought some up from the freezer to try with them again. Rotten buggers...
Yup. dogs are ungrateful monsters. One of mine won't touch the venison...
I feed whole, so wouldn't use it, but I'm sure you could find someone that could feed their dogs with it.
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