This thread was removed for a period of time to look into some concerns that were raised. After some time to ponder these concerns, there are several issues here to which I will address.
Firstly the vendor status - if this is a one time purchase of an item, we do not see an issue with this.
Secondly - re: the profit margin in doing a group buy. There is nothing written in stone anywhere about the profit margin "allowed" before its considered profitable to be financially advantageous. Having said that, the prices at $6 each, or $5 each or $4 each are NOT retail prices for these items. They are at about 1/3 - 1/2 of retail. Although the prices are not retail and definitely at a discount, will there be sufficient profit for a moderator to intervene due to conflicting interest with vendors? Again, as previously stated, because this is a one-time basis and other members DO have the option to order directly from the source, I do not feel that a moderator needs to intervene at this time.
Thirdly - re: unethical practices. It is not clear on the practice in which the package will cross the border. However, if it is properly labelled by the shipper on the contents of the package AND the package was put through the mail system where CBSA inspectors are tasked to monitor and inspect these packages based on the item description, and at the CBSA officers' discretion they allowed the package in the country to be delivered, then it is at the CBSA officer's discretion that the package arrives in Canada without the proper phytosanitary permits. Ethically it is not good practice BUT nor is it illegal and the chances of the package arriving is based on pure luck. I relate to this in the way I purchase items from China on Ebay in which technically and LEGALLY I am suppose to pay PST/GST on the items I purchased. But at the discretion of the CBSA inspectors, majority of the time they will allow the item to go through even on items i should have had to pay $40-$50 of taxes.
Having said that, there is a HUGE risk involved here in that the CBSA officer will likely inspect if plant material is noted on the item declaration. Personally I wouldn't not take this risk but if a person so chooses to risk their money, then its at their discretion.
Also its been noted that if these are brought in as PODS ONLY, then it is legal and if it is sprouting leaves, it is not considered legal. I had personal experience with other plants with similar circumstances and it had the same legal "concerns".
Fourthly, the selling of protected item from Hawaii - IF we are to assume the seller is collecting them from the wild, then this is definitely illegal and it is also unethical to buy. BUT before we jump to any conclusions and begin accusing people of wrong-doings, we should show diligence in getting more information from the seller who MAY have a permit to collect and sell the mangroves. If he doesn't have a permit or proper reason to be selling these, it should then be addressed to EBAY and the seller of the item. This is not the moderators job to investigate so ALL PARTIES please show ddinitiative to gather some more information before claiming allegations of wrong-doing.
This thread is re-activated and it will be monitored accordingly.
If people don't die, it wouldn't make living important.
And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.