Thread: 33g first tank
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Old 01-24-2010, 01:02 AM
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1337cr3w 1337cr3w is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 33
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well, almost have the sump going now just waiting for a few pieces of glass thats ready monday and a pump thats in the mail.

I have a couple concerns though, first of all this white thing poped up a few days ago. so did a few white things that looks like flower bulbs but are the size of a pea.

also my one zoa doesnt look very healty a few of its end dont open anymore and apear to have sealed over the end. but the other parts open perfecty, it was just recently moved but didnt look much better before either.

any answers would help. but besides that everything is doing good hers a pic of everything togethr and a fts.

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