Also - you cant tell what a human is eating just by looking at them either... that goes for ANY animal really... so what the heck is this 'you cant tell the difference from looking at them'? Other than being on a completely improper diet, most animals look about the same even on different diets... INCLUDING people. And we are no more/less developed than any other species out there... our brain is developed, we stand and have opposable thumbs... we also have back problems because we stand (which our bone structure is not specifically designed for)... So I do not see how 'appearance' is a good basis for saying raw is better or worse.
And many people do live to be 100 eating mc-donalds all their lives... but just cause thats true does not make it a good idea.
The vast majority of people feeding raw prefer it to poor kibble... I highly doubt this is any sort of placebo effect.
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!