Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-23-2010, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by marie View Post
I'm not trying to be confrontational but there is no hard proof of the benefits
No confrontation detected

I agree that there is no proof, and the results are not always clear. Sometimes it's possible that raw could be worse than a good kibble. I certainly am not trying to sell it as a better way, or that may dogs are any better than someone else's dogs.
For me, my dogs are involved in sports that require strength and stamina, and I believe you only get out what you put in. For me, raw is better. It's cleaner, non processed and doesn't contain anything I don't add.

As an example, if you meet me tomorrow, you won't be able to tell if I had good food today or bad. But I'm running a 10k tomorrow morning and I sure notice what type of fuel I take in. It's the same, I believe, for my dogs.
Sure some kibble these days are great products, and probably just as good for most dogs (Orijen comes to mind). In fact, I keep some handy just in case I need to feed it, such as when we're out of town at a tournament or trial. Much more convenient. But, as a staple diet, I prefer, for myself and my dogs, food as close to real as I can get.
Again, make no mistake, I fully support a good kibble, and would recommend it for the average person, but if someone asks, as this thread did, about raw, I will speak as an avid supporter, IF it's something a person is interested in.
And to be clear, I don't use pre-made formulas, I feed raw, whole food. Example - when salmon is on sale, I buy a bunch of them, freeze them for 24hr (for possible parasites), thaw and cut in half. Each dog gets half a salmon, alternating who gets heads or tails
The pup isn't big enough yet for whole fish, so she gets chicken wings.

For those that can't/don't want to consider raw, have a look at Orijen, great food. Myka posted a good link too, so if you feed kibble, check out how it rates!
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