Thread: Raw Pet Food
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Old 01-22-2010, 03:16 AM
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Its a tough call, since none of us are nutritionists specializing in canine and feline health. I would LOVE to talk to one one day and get the inside scoop on what they actually can and can't digest. I understand their digestive tract is too short to digest cellulose, but does that also mean they cannot absorb vitamins and minerals from some vegetables (read some, obviously it will do no good feeding them celery ). I wonder also if the veggies are added simply to aid in passing the food, to a similar effect that grass aids in it. The percentage of veggies in a lot of the premade raw diets is low enough that i doubt they are doing it as filler. But it also depends on the veggies themselves, because some are good but some are not. I agree though that it would make sense to feed dogs mostly (if not all) meat- which includes bone and organ meats.

But you know, as long as you are not feeding your dog Iams or Eukanuba (isnt it the same company?) or any of that shiznit, then you are doing your dog and the food industry in general a favor. Buy a good quality kibble or raw food, check the ingredients, (and as forementioned make sure its not rendered meats or meat byproducts) and feed your dog a variety.

We should ALL be aware of where our meat comes from. Modern society is treating its food animals like crap, and ultimately everyone's health will suffer from it. Where do you like swine flu and sars and all these viruses are originating? Animal farms. Buy local, organic, free range, wild, whatever you can. I have made the choice to stop consuming factory produced animal products... and I am really trying for my dogs as well.


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