Wow, thanks for all the feedback!!
I have a small update on our vet situation; Sophie, our Mini Schnauzer, went in for her annual exam on Tuesday. Our last vet left the clinic and moved to Victoria a few months ago.
Sophie is terrified of the vet since she got spayed last year and was shaking pretty badly. The first thing the new guy asked me when we go there (before I had even put her on the table) was; what do you feed her? That immediately got my back up. I told him, and he said we should be feeding MediCal; it would help her 'severe' anxiety and would be good for her teeth. - Are you kidding me?!!. I informed him that he was there to provide medical services for my animals and not to sell me dog food.
Apparently I also have a bad attitude about vaccinations, as I asked him to make sure that he was not about to give her the one she had a past reaction to and he got really offended and never actually gave her any vaccination. He said if I did not want his advice, we could take our animals elsewhere. So I took Sophie and walked out. The next morning I called and asked them for out pet's records.
I now have an appointment with a holistic vet, whom has had fantastic recommendations from several people in our community. He feeds raw and I'm really excited for our appointment next week.