Originally Posted by Aquaria
I had not seen her in 2-3 days so I thought she was molting and then I happened to look in after lights out and, Saw her dancing with a brown pouch and was like WTF. So I grabbed a flashlight and was like omfg and ran woke up the g/f and was like honey don't be mad bit I think our emerald is having babys lol. The saddest part is I had 2, her an a big one which ill assume was daddy and I sold him back to the lfs cuz he ate one of my pepperment shrimp multiple snails so I mad a choice wish I had kept him now 
You might still be ok.
In case you didn't know, the females of many (not sure if all) crab species will carry around sperm packets to fertilize several batches of eggs without needing a male around. Hopefully, this is the case with your emerald crab. That the big boy gave her enough sperm to last a few more times now that he's gone.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!