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Old 01-20-2010, 09:19 AM
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cygmark cygmark is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Leduc, Alberta
Posts: 31
cygmark is on a distinguished road

I highly recommend you go talk to my buddy Ken and Shannon at Blue World by far the best customer service and price in town, the guys at Aquarium illusions treated me like an idiot, and I don't remember his name but there is a gut at Big Al's that looks like Reese of the tv show Criminal minds, young man was very very helpful, that us the 2 people I would only deal with.
180 gallon reef tank with 80 gallon sump, 2 External overflow boxes ,3 drilled returns,Vertex 100 skimmer, Jager 250 watt heater, Stealth titanium 150 watt heater, 3-500 GPH return Aqua Globe pumps and 2 corelia power heads

My tank so far
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