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Old 01-19-2010, 07:53 PM
pangking pangking is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Port Coquitlam
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pangking is on a distinguished road
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Originally Posted by Albertan22 View Post
Do you have an auto-topoff system in place? When I leave I move the pump out of my ATO reservoir into a garbage can full of fresh water that I just park in front of the tank. For long trips, I set up two garbage pail reservoirs and have a neighbour come and move the pump when the pail is getting low. I can't comment on the food question, but you also might want to consider the possibility of your skimmer cup filling up, overflowing and polluting the tank. Does it have a drain? Could you get a neighbour or someone to come in and empty the skimmer cup, check the fresh water reservoir and maybe feed some frozen food every 3 days or so?
First, Thanks for your words, helpful.
I don't have auto-topoff system.
The garbage can seems a good ideal. I have a 30 gal garbage can that used for tank water mixture, so I can set it up as a big sump, and park the garbage can infront of my tank when I'm out. Then move the pump from the sump into this garbage can, to pump the water back to tank, am I correct? but how can the water flow back to the garbage can? My tank is top-flow, considering the heigh of the garbage can, can the water be top-flow back to the garbage can? oh, god... I hope you can understand what I am talking about...
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