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Old 01-19-2010, 06:15 PM
Albertan22 Albertan22 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Spruce Grove
Posts: 165
Albertan22 is on a distinguished road

Do you have an auto-topoff system in place? When I leave I move the pump out of my ATO reservoir into a garbage can full of fresh water that I just park in front of the tank. For long trips, I set up two garbage pail reservoirs and have a neighbour come and move the pump when the pail is getting low. I can't comment on the food question, but you also might want to consider the possibility of your skimmer cup filling up, overflowing and polluting the tank. Does it have a drain? Could you get a neighbour or someone to come in and empty the skimmer cup, check the fresh water reservoir and maybe feed some frozen food every 3 days or so?
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