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Old 01-19-2010, 01:43 AM
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maxxxim maxxxim is offline
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maxxxim is on a distinguished road
Default Max's "almost a cube" tank

Hey everyone, this thread will be about my 50g tank.

I guess I'll start of with a bit of history, and how I got into this hobby. You can skip this part, it might get a bit boring ahah. I've always had fish tanks since I was little, but the addiction to salt began about 4 years ago. At the time I was working a a petstore with one of the members on here. One day he told me he had a salt water tank and to me that sounded pretty awesome. I started doing some research, and about 6 months later I had my first salt water tank. It was a simple 10 gallon with some zoas, acans, hammer, and a two clowns. The 10g didn't last very long, because after 3 months I realized I needed to go bigger. So I upgraded to a 29g, which I had running for about 2 years. Then I had to move to a new house, which is how this tank started.

Tank and Project info:

The tanks was build in May of 2009, I had it sitting at the new place since then. During the summer, the stand was build and painted. That was about it, I was working some mad hours, so not that much got done. In September school started again, and I was doing some little things here and there just to keep this moving. Everything was officially finished during the winter break, and it is now up and running.


Tank: 24x24x20 50g with an external overflow (Herbie)
Sump:25x19x12 25g with 3 sections
Lighting: LumenBright 250w DE pendant running on a Lumatek ballast. I'll be using a Phoenix 14k bulb.
Skimmer: Vertex IN100 Gen.2
Flow: Vortech MP20 + QO 4000 return (I have some doubts about this pump, but we'll see how it goes for now)
Misc: TLF Reactor (for carbon, etc), ReefKeeper Lite

Enough talking, here are a few not so great pictures:

This is the skeleton of the stand, and the sump. I used 1.5" square tubing for the stand.... I know it is a little overboard haha.

Up on the stand.

The panels are painted in New Vogue Silver Metallic. This is the same color Honda uses for their cars. So if you drive a silver Honda, it might look familiar to you haha. They are also held in place by 4 Neodymium magnets on each panel.

I'll have a few more pictures up later this week.

Criticism, comments and questions are always welcomed.

Thanks for looking everyone.

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