Well i am back in the game - alot smaller than i am used to but atleast i'm back - Picked up a Red Sea Max 130 with live sand off a fellow reefer back in December. Picked up 35lbs of live rock from another reefer and went through a extremely small cycle.
Made a couple changes to the tank - added a Koralia 2 - changed the skimmer to a Tunze 9002 - made my own media rack/mount for the skimmer from left over plexi - added the surface skimmer from Red Sea Max. Still to hook up is the chiller and pump.
Added livestock from a few fellow reefers and there you have it so far. Still lots of room to add - I certainly missed the fun and glad to be back
Guess its not really a Journal but the camera battery charger went missing - it started empty - now its half full