Originally Posted by kien
Agreed too. And really, I think all reasons for getting out are positive reasons. If you want to get out for whatever reason, that's your Prerogative. You as the hobbyist has made this decision based on factors in your life, not that of other hobbyists. Others might not agree with your reasons, but ultimately it is your time and money, not ours. I don't think there are any bad reasons for getting out.
well said. I got out of drifting because the cost was exhausting almost all of my funds to the point where i didn't do anything with my life or go anywhere. Once i sold my car i picked up this hobby (which is ALOT cheaper) bought my bike, started buying things for around the house, paid off most of my debt (lol till i decided to go back to school).
But your second last point is very well said. Do it cause it's what you enjoy. No one elses opinion matters but your own, esspecially on forums. ramble stops before i start going way off topic