This article is copied and edited from a previous post. And will be an ongoing piece of research.
Seeing as how there is more than enough disinformation out there to fill a book, let's get a couple of things straight right off the bat.
Size Matters?
Yes size matters, the smaller the better. But, even more importantly is the diversity of size. The following link, written by Dr. Ron Shimek goes into great detail regarding the how’s and why’s of size for sandbeds.
And for the truly devoted, a link to the list of reference material used to prepare the above document.
We really don’t need to go into why we install a DSB , but to satisfy the curious
The Right Stuff?
We worry a lot about sand bed mineral composition in the aquarium hobby. Generally, however, neither mom nature nor the critters care very much. Natural sediments in coral reef areas may be calcitic in nature, ranging from oolitic sands in areas of calcium carbonate precipitation to foraminiferan shells, coral rubble or coral sand, or they may be wholly or in part composed of lava or river runoff (terragenous sediments, including silicates, organic muds or silts). As a general rule, one finds similar organisms growing in similar-size sediments regardless of the composition. As long as there is not some inherently toxic component to the sediments, the organisms generally don’t seem to care too much about its composition.
Am I Buff Enough?
Does a DSB help buffer your system? No.
What is really going on when you ask buffer my system? Basically you’re trying to maintain the equilibrium between pH and carbonate alkalinity, all the while keeping dissolved calcium levels at their optimum levels. This of course is a very simplified version of the chemistry that’s going on.
For a list of chemistry articles try:
I’m not really going to go into to it here. Lets just say that “buffering” your system is better done by user intervention via water changes, 2 part additives, calcium reactors or kalkawasser and lime water drips.
The End?
A DSB is there to process waste from feeding, period. To support bethnic life forms from tiny to microscopic, both aerobic and anaerobic to process waste. Sort of like a reverse food chain. Does it matter what it’s made of? No, as long as it’s not toxic. Miracle mud was actually being dug up from the creators/inventors back yard.
So it could be silica sand, quartz crystals, dirt from your back yard or ground up calcium carbonate, the choice is yours.