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Old 01-17-2010, 07:52 PM
vic622's Avatar
vic622 vic622 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Ottawa, ON
Posts: 144
vic622 is on a distinguished road

After having freshwater for years, breeding numerous varieties and then doing hightech planted tanks with CO2 & dosing, I thought I'd try something easy for a change

Seriously, seeing all the variety of awesome fish, corals & inverts, I knew that I'd eventually take the plunge. Finally broke down my biggest fw tank, and started getting all the gear together. When a friend had to break down his reef tank, I snagged his live rock for a song and got everything set up and swimming.
~ Vic ~

75gal Reef
35 gal sump/fuge ~ about to move all to new condo!

Ottawa Tank Build
My 1st Reef Tank Build
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