Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat
I've been bald for years, just think of the cash I'm savin LOL
Man, if I could get $10 haircuts here I'd have so much coral money. My hair grows fast
Originally Posted by OceanicCorals
Actually what we're hoping to happen is that you go next door and get yourself a $10 haircut. You don't like it and go to the lawyers office on the other side and sue for a bad hair cut. Then you take your settlement and spend it with us.
Can't wait to meet you Kien. There's actually tons to do here in the country. We'll be posting things to do in Aldergrove on our website shortly. In my opinion, you haven't lived until you've experienced Aldergrove. It really is nice down here.
Don't forget the mortgage broker across the street whom we'll want to visit so that we can buy a house down the road after visiting the boutique