do you have any large Nem's in the tank they will eat anything that can get there fingers on.... At least mine does, fish go missing and he gets blamed or the little pygmy angle gets blamed as he will swat other fish with his tail and make them move towards the large carpet Nem. I thinks he has figured out that he can get rid of any fish he wants by being pushy. He will be moved to my kids tank once I get the 110g to my place and get it running. out of the 55g and into a 30g for him. My kids like him so they should be excited about it. I call this little angle the herding angle he is only about 2 inch in size and runs the tank. even the clowns will now let him near there Nem which they wouldn't let happen before.
Last edited by bvlester; 01-15-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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