Originally Posted by PoonTang
Any possibability that he surfed to somewhere? he could easily travel up to 10 feet if no one was around when it happened. Get out a flashlight and look under everything and then start looking into all the little nooks and crannies in your LR, you may be able to see a piece of him stuck somewhere in the rocks.
My boyfriend and I have done that twice now (we did it twice just in case we missed something the first time) but neither one of us found anything. There also is no water spots on the floor suggesting he jumped.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
I thought I lost my trigger on the weekend. I checked my overflows 10 times and each time I fully convinced myself "there are no fish in here." Guess where he was? They are the darndest good hiders/camoflagers sometimes. Also second the suggestion to check your pipes and so on. You never know.
Good luck, I hope you find him.
It's not impossible about the cat theory, but fwiw, I kind of doubt it too. There'd be some evidence, they're not exactly the cleanest/neatest of eaters when they're eating a whole animal. 
I banged on all my plumbing pipes and all I heard was water sloshing through them, there is a lot of pipe so I guess it's possible he could be suck, but the water flow on the other end (into the sump) seems normal. I only have one over flow on that tank and it is a pretty small side overflow so I can see he's not in there. Also I keep thinking like you (as in) you would think there would be some evidence if the cat ate him.