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Old 01-15-2010, 02:03 AM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
Oh Laurie that is so sad, maybe he is just hiding.
That's what I'm hoping but I have no idea why he would suddenly hide. Also I know I haven't seen him today but I can't remember exactly when I last saw him. I don't think I saw him yesterday but I think I saw him the day before that but I really can't remember. I know this past weekend on Sunday I was staring at my tanks and I remember seeing him then, because I remember thinking how big he's gotten compared to when I first got him, but after that I'm not sure. I'm so used to always seeing him that it was really odd looking into my tank today and not seeing him. Came as a bit of a shock to say the least

I'm really paranoid that he's trapped somewhere (that happened to my sleeper goby, he was trapped for almost a week when we moved some rock around and much to our surprise he slowly swam out but unfortunately his injury's were to bad and he died a week later ) I just don't know what has happened to him and it's driving me nuts as well as worrying me like crazy.

Originally Posted by the marine apprentice View Post
did he possibly go over your overflow or in your sump. fish do the damndest things sometimes
Sorry, I forgot to mention (as that was my first thought) but I looked very carefully in my sump and there is no signs of him being in there. My overflow empties into my refugium part of the sump so it's safe from pumps etc. I have had fish go down my overflow into my sump but when that has happened I have always found them easily in my refugium.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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