Originally Posted by littlesilvermax
Why. I don't get what the difference would be from a hot to a cold line.
Depends on where it's plumbed from I guess? if RO intake is taken from the cold, and waste is loped back into the cold, some waste water could just loop around and go back in the RO intake. But, if it's set to make water when a cold tap is open, it won't. the waste will go to the tap.
I acctually was thinking of doing this with my setup, as I am on septic and all the waste screws with the bacteria level in the septic. One thing I never figured out yet for this is if the cold water taps in house are off, there is still inlet pressure at the RO, but no where for the waste to go. The membrane now just becomes an expensive filter, and will plug real fast. No waste water to flush out captured impurities. They must use some kind of waste water presure tank and a auto shutoff on the waste line too