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Old 01-14-2010, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
Regular RO will make water when RO low, I mean, those ones that plumb the waste back into your house cold water line, the RO unit will only make water when something is using the water in the cold line. There needs to be somewhere for the waste water to go, and that means a household tap needs to be open.
I would assume an accumulator of some sort is used for the waste water so it can be stored when tap water isn't being used and discharged quickly when tap water is used. It's not ideal if you want to make 100gal a day but for most people it should easily meet their demands.

You would also want to discharge the waste into the hot water line as appose to the cold water line to prevent the filter from using discharged water.

This to date is the most efficient way of making clean water that I'm aware off (I could be wrong but haven't seen anything else yet). RO filtration is used in so many industrial applications and the waste created is always a concern. If it was possible to create a filter that created just as pure water without the waste or the use of an RO membrane it would be foolish to market it in home and aquarium applications. For this reason I'm pretty skeptical that it can be done. Such a filter would solve millions of industrial problems and the patent would also be worth a pretty penny, more than enough to retire on.