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Old 01-13-2010, 03:27 AM
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Up until when my volitan died it was looking a bit cramped in my 120gal so my vote is for one of the smaller varieties as well. They should be fine with the maroon clowns and tang as long as they are large enough so that they will not fit into the lions mouth. My tomato clown lived with a volitan for roughly 6 years.

This is a good article on all types of lionfish

From the article:
"One of the most common questions I address is, "What else can I keep with my lionfish?" The answer is a complicated issue [Figure 19]. Frequently, hobbyists want to keep multiple lionfish in the same aquarium, and although there is no problem housing two or more of these fish together, closely related lionfish will fight. I have found this problem occurring most frequently with the dwarf lionfish, in that Dwarf Fuzzy lionfish will often harass Dwarf Zebra lions. Although these skirmishes are often nothing more than gill cover flaring, head shaking, and chasing, many times it's accompanied by a bite or two. If one lionfish persistently attacks another, they should be separated or the subordinate lionfish will cease feeding and may die. Another point of consideration when keeping both large and dwarf forms of lionfish together is that large lionfish will eat smaller lionfish, and I have personally witnessed this on several occasions."
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

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